Posts Tagged ‘text neck’
7 Causes of Neck Pain
September 9th, 2022 by Lauren
Understanding the cause of your neck pain can help you and your doctor treat it and potentially prevent it from recurring. However, there are many causes for neck pain. Here are a few. Overuse Injury An overuse injury is just as it sounds, a injury resulting from using something too much. In this case, neck […]
Spine Tips for Back to School
August 26th, 2022 by Lauren
In the spirit of back-to-school time, we’ve put together a list of tips to keep your spine healthy in the upcoming school season. Don’t overpack a backpack. Carrying a heavy backpack can cause back pain. Read more about backpacks and your back. Watch your posture during long reading or studying sessions. Sitting hunched over with […]
5 Spine Health Tips for Back to School
September 17th, 2021 by Lauren
It’s back to school time again. Whether back in person, virtually, or a combination, here are some pointers for keeping a healthy spine when school’s in session. Backpacks If you or your child is using a backpack to carry their books, there are some things you should keep in mind. If the backpack is heavy or […]
3 Ways to Avoid Spine Surgery
September 3rd, 2021 by Lauren
Nobody wants surgery, especially surgery on their neck or back. Luckily, there are ways you can help avoid spine surgery. Here at Saratoga Spine, we don’t recommend surgery for our patients unless we believe it’s absolutely necessary. In fact, over 80% of our patients don’t require surgery! With some conditions surgery is the best option. […]
Spine Or Muscle Pain? (And How the Two Are Related)
December 4th, 2020 by Lauren
Is your upper back pain spine or muscle pain? Turns out, the answer’s not always straight forward. In this article we’ll look at the two types of pain and how they may be related. For the purposes of this article we’ll examine neck pain and muscle pain in the upper back and arms. Upper Back […]
What Causes Neck Pain? Here are 5 Common Causes
March 13th, 2020 by Lauren
Anywhere from 20-70% of individuals will suffer from neck pain at some point in their lives. What causes neck pain? Here are some of the more common causes. Sleeping Position Can Cause Chronic Neck Pain It may sound strange to talk about your posture while you’re sleeping but it can be important. You spend nearly […]
3 Neck Stretches for Neck Pain and Forward Head Posture
December 30th, 2019 by Lauren
If you have chronic neck pain or find yourself looking down at your phone too much these 3 stretches for neck pain may be helpful. Posture, Posture, Posture Before we talk about neck stretches we need to talk about posture. Remembering good posture can be critical in preventing or alleviating neck pain. What do we […]
The Physical Effects of Technology
July 18th, 2019 by Lauren
What are the physical effects of technology use? In a previous post on the Saratoga Spine blog we talked about growing concern over a new phenomenon dubbed text neck. Additional research suggests an even more significant impact to our bodies. But, not all experts agree. What is Text Neck? Text neck, also called tech neck […]