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Posts Tagged ‘play sports’

Exercises to Avoid With Back Pain

August 20th, 2021 by Lauren

Exercise is a common element in back pain treatment plans. However, not all exercise is appropriate if you have a spinal condition. Here are some exercises to avoid with back pain. Situps Situps can be a great way to strengthn your core but can put pressure on the discs in the spine. This pressure can […]

Swimming can be great therapy for back pain. But, there are also ways in which swimming poses risks for spine and back injuries. Diving Spinal Cord Injury Probably the most well-known spinal injury associated with swimming is a spinal cord injury (SCI) from diving in a shallow pool and hitting your head/neck. According to the […]

This article discusses the complicated relationship between biking and back pain. Is biking a good form of exercise which can be used to treat chronic back pain or should it be avoided? Biking for Exercise Exercise Can Help Treat and Prevent Pain Exercise is a common non-surgical treatment method for people with chronic back pain. […]

A Serious Spine Injury and An Inspiring Comeback

December 21st, 2018 by Lauren

A spine injury is a scary thing. It can be devastating. We often hear about traumatic injuries which leave people paralyzed. But not all injuries to the spine have such devastating consequences. This is a story about a serious spine injury…and an inspiring fight to recovery. Football Injuries If you’ve ever watched football you know […]

Is Running Good for Your Back?

June 15th, 2017 by Lauren

While most people with back pain realize that exercise can help, they may question is running good for your back? A common theory is that the strain on your spine during running can cause back pain. However, a recent article by the New York Times reviews a study that found running may be good for […]

Understanding Golf Back Pain

May 28th, 2017 by Lauren

Are you suffering from golf back pain? You’re not alone. According to a study by McHardy, Pollard and Luo: “The low back is the most common injury sustained whilst playing golf, and the dynamic action of the golf swing is a major contributing factor to injury.”1 Causes for Golf Back Pain There are several reasons […]


November 14th, 2016 by Lauren

The idea of having surgery can be frightening for anyone, no matter what age. Some individuals assume that they will be unable to participate in many activities post surgery. However, dozens of famous athletes have proven this statement wrong and have thrived following the conclusion of their back/neck related surgeries. For instance, in more recent […]

Blue Distinction Center for Spine Surgery