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Posts Tagged ‘osteoarthritis’

A scientific study by 2 Indian doctors examined the possible use of potassium rich foods as a treatment for individuals dealing with pain from rheumatoid arthritis.  Though not yet conclusive, their studies showed some promising results. What is it about potassium that could help ease arthritic pain? Could it help people who deal with arthritic […]

Cervical Spondylosis

April 4th, 2022 by Lauren

What is cervical spondylosis? The term cervical spondylosis is sometimes used interchangeably with arthritis of the neck. But what does that really mean? Neck Anatomy Inside the neck is the uppermost portion of the spine. The portion is called the “cervical” section of the spine. Therefore, when we hear a term like “cervical spondylosis” we […]

6 Causes of Upper Back Pain

November 19th, 2021 by Lauren

When we talk about back pain we’re often talking about lower back pain. But what about upper back pain? While less common, it does occur. Here are some reasons people may develop upper back pain. Causes of Upper Back Pain Some potential causes of upper back pain are: Injury poor posture Herniated disc Osteoarthritis Compression […]

Facet Joint Pain

February 22nd, 2021 by Lauren

What Is Facet Joint Pain? Facet Joint Pain is a term that describes the part of the spine that is causing the pain. Each bone of the spine (vertebra) is a complex structure that includes a cylindrical-type ‘body’ and facets, which stick out like fingers from the ‘body’. The facets from neighboring vertabrae work together […]

Does it seem like some people are more prone to chronic back pain than others? Recent research suggests there could be a reason for this. A recent study identified three genes possibly linked to chronic back pain. Researchers studied the DNA of over 150,000 adults of European ethnicity. Some reported chronic back pain, others did […]

As people age and the tissue in their spine changes they can develop degenerative disc disease. Arthritis is also a condition which affects the joints and is known to progress with age.  So, are degenerative disc disease and arthritis the same thing? What’s Degenerative Disc Disease? Between each bone of the backbone are fluid filled […]

How Does Weight Affect Your Back?

April 20th, 2018 by Lauren

Logic (and a quick google search) tells us that obesity and back pain are related. But what do the experts say? Does weight affect your back? Let’s take a closer look. Does Weight Affect your Back? A few studies 3,4 have confirmed the popular theory that being overweight can cause back pain. These studies have […]

Blue Distinction Center for Spine Surgery