Posts Tagged ‘facet joint injections’
Recommendations for Cervical Facet Joint Pain Treatment
June 7th, 2022 by Lauren
A multidisciplinary group of doctors and researchers has released new guidelines on how to treat cervical spine facet joint pain. Below is a summary of their combined recommendations. The American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine and the American Academy of Pain Medicine formed a group of scientists, researchers, and doctors called the Cervical […]
85% of our Patients Do Not Require Surgery
February 22nd, 2022 by Lauren
Did you know that 85% of our patients do not require surgery? Many patients evaluated by one of our spine specialists believe that surgery is the only answer to correct their spinal or cervical issue. Worse yet, some people shy away from a doctor’s visit entirely for fear of a surgical recommendation. However, most of […]
Facet Joint Pain
February 22nd, 2021 by Lauren
What Is Facet Joint Pain? Facet Joint Pain is a term that describes the part of the spine that is causing the pain. Each bone of the spine (vertebra) is a complex structure that includes a cylindrical-type ‘body’ and facets, which stick out like fingers from the ‘body’. The facets from neighboring vertabrae work together […]