Infections of the Spine
Most people will experience some type of neck pain or back pain in their lifetime. Arthritis, disc herniations, poor posture are all common causes of spine pain. Less common, but more serious, causes of back pain or neck pain are infections of the spine. Here’s a bit more about these infections and what to watch out for.
Types of Spine Infections
There are four places that an infection of the spine can form:
- in the bone (vertebrae)
- in the discs between the bones
- inside the spinal column
- in the soft tissues around the spine
Spine infections have various causes such as:
- bacteria in the blood that spreads to the spine
- post-surgical infections
- bacterial or fungal infection in another part of the body that spreads to the spine
Infections of the Spine – Symptoms
Initial signs of an infection are pain at the infection site, possibly accompanied by redness and swelling. However, unlike other causes of back pain, an infection will often result in a fever and chills. In addition, it can cause issues with urinating and having bowel movements.
What To Do
Though not as common as many of the other back and neck issues we talk about here on the blog, spinal infections can be serious. If you have back or neck pain with a fever or problems going to the bathroom, you should contact your doctor immediately. It’s important to get evaluated and treat an infection, if you have one.