Evidence Suggests Early Physical Therapy An Effective Treatment for Sciatica
A recent study suggests that early physical therapy is an effective treatment method for sciatica.
What is Sciatica?
The spine is made up of many bones, discs, and other soft tissues. Sensitive nerves run down the center of the spinal column, exit the spinal column, and travel to the rest of the body.
Oftentimes, inflammation of the soft tissues of the spine, or problems with the discs in the spinal column can put pressure on the sensitive nerves. The result can be significant pain. Because the nerves travel to other parts of the body, the pain can also radiate out to other areas. This pain, radiating away from the source, is called radiculopathy.
The large nerve that emanates from the spinal column and goes down the leg is called the sciatic nerve. When spinal issues occur in the lower back, or lumbar region, it can cause pressure on the sciatic nerve. As a result, the individual may experience shooting pain down one or both legs. This radiating pain from the lower back down the legs is called sciatica.
What Are Typical Treatments for Sciatica?
Sciatica can be a chronic condition and oftentimes results itself on its own. Therefore, doctors usually recommend nonsurgical treatment at the onset of sciatica. Typical treatment methods may include anti-inflammatory medication, exercise, and physical therapy.
Recent Study of Physical Therapy as a Treatment for Sciatica
A recent study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine was aimed at identifying the effectiveness of physical therapy as a treatment method for sciatica. The study looked at two groups of individuals who went to their doctor with sciatica symptoms. Half of the group underwent physical therapy treatment and the other half did not. The study concluded that physical therapy reduced disability and pain associated with sciatica.