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Posts Tagged ‘neck fusion’

Neuromonitoring During Spine Surgery

October 4th, 2021 by Lauren

Neuromonitoring is a technique the surgeons at Saratoga Spine often use to ensure the health and safety of their patients. But what is neuromonitoring? And how is neuromonitoring used during spine surgery? What is Neuromonitoring? Neuromonitoring is the term used for monitoring a patient’s nervous system during surgery. Typically with neuromonitoring, a trained neurologist or […]

After finding out they may require surgery one of the first questions most people ask is “when can I be back on my feet?”.  What is a typical recovery time for back or neck surgery? Recovery times can vary depending on an individual’s condition, health and other factors. But, here are some average recovery times […]

Blue Distinction Center for Spine Surgery