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Posts Tagged ‘back pain’

Read the video transcript below. Synovial Cyst with Dr. Armin Afsar-Keshmiri A synovial cyst refers to a fluid filled sac in the spine that is typically eminating from the facet joints. The facet joints are these small joints in the lumbar spine. They’re very similar to joints such as the hip and knee in that […]

Swimming can be great therapy for back pain. But, there are also ways in which swimming poses risks for spine and back injuries. Diving Spinal Cord Injury Probably the most well-known spinal injury associated with swimming is a spinal cord injury (SCI) from diving in a shallow pool and hitting your head/neck. According to the […]

There are several prescribed and over the counter pain killers available. But what if you prefer natural pain relief? Here are three pain killers you may want to consider for your neck or back pain. Clove (Eugenol) A topical analgesic is a substance placed on the skin to numb the area or reduce its sensitivity. […]

Physical therapy is often prescribed or recommended for individuals with back pain. How can physical therapy help and why is it so important? How Can Physical Therapy Help with Back Pain? Physical therapy is a nonsurgical treatment option used for many conditions that cause back pain. Evaluation Back pain can be caused by many different […]

We often think of arthritis as affecting fingers and knees. But arthritis can affect most joints in the body, including the joints of the spine. In this article we’ll look at the symptoms and treatment options for spinal arthritis. There are several forms of spinal arthritis, the most common being osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis develops over time. […]

3 Ways to Stay Active with Back Pain

April 2nd, 2021 by Lauren

You may have heard that exercise is good for back pain. But how can you stay active with back pain bothering you? Why Staying Active is Important The federal government releases recommendations with respect to physical activity. The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans lists numerous health benefits to staying active. They include mental benefits such […]

Back Pain After Pregnancy

February 26th, 2021 by Lauren

Back pain after pregnancy can be a pain, quite literally. How long will it last? And is there a good way to get rid of it? Let’s take a closer look at postpartum back pain. Why Does My Back Hurt After Pregnancy? There are several reasons your back may hurt after your pregnancy. Many might […]

Do Supplements Help With Back Pain?

March 6th, 2020 by Lauren

The number of dietary, vitamin and herbal supplements available seems to be constantly growing. Can any of these supplements help with back pain? Possibly. But there are also risks associated with taking supplements. Let’s talk about those first. Supplement Risks Natural Doesn’t Always Mean Safe Just because a supplement comes from a plant doesn’t mean […]

Blue Distinction Center for Spine Surgery