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Posts Tagged ‘animals’

An Amazing Spinal Discovery!

October 16th, 2020 by Lauren

You probably know that all mammals have spines (vertebrae). That includes mammals that swim in the ocean. However, we don’t often get to see evidence of this. Well, some lifeguards out in Cape Cod recently did. After a recent storm the Wellfleet Lifeguards made an astounding discovery during cleanup. They found a long, largely intact, […]

Kissing Spine in Horses and Humans

July 17th, 2020 by Lauren

Horses are pretty popular in our area, as our main office is in Saratoga Springs, NY. Even when the track isn’t open, it’s not uncommon to see horses grazing in fields of local farms and residences. Like humans, horses have a spine. Unfortunately, also like humans, problems with a horse’s spine can become very painful […]

Humans are not the only ones to suffer from spinal conditions. Animals can suffer from spinal injuries, issues related to spinal degradation and can be born with spinal deformities. One example of the latter is Short Spine Syndrome, a rare condition that only about 30 dogs around the world have. Meet Cooper Meet Cooper. Cooper […]

Blue Distinction Center for Spine Surgery