Archive for the ‘Safety Tips’ Category
Exercises to Avoid With Back Pain
August 20th, 2021 by Lauren
Exercise is a common element in back pain treatment plans. However, not all exercise is appropriate if you have a spinal condition. Here are some exercises to avoid with back pain. Situps Situps can be a great way to strengthn your core but can put pressure on the discs in the spine. This pressure can […]
Swimming Spine Injuries and How to Avoid Them
June 25th, 2021 by Lauren
Swimming can be great therapy for back pain. But, there are also ways in which swimming poses risks for spine and back injuries. Diving Spinal Cord Injury Probably the most well-known spinal injury associated with swimming is a spinal cord injury (SCI) from diving in a shallow pool and hitting your head/neck. According to the […]
Dehydration and Your Spine
May 14th, 2021 by Lauren
We’ve all heard it’s important to drink water throughout the day. Some people specify drink 8 cups a day. It’s true, water is important for many parts of your body, including your spine. Let’s take a closer look at why hydration is important for your spine. Spinal Discs The spine is composed of a few […]
Ways to Prevent Yard Work from Being a Pain in the Back
May 10th, 2021 by Lauren
It’s that time of year again. Time to rake the leaves, weed the gardens, fix up the flower beds, and more. All that yard work can be a real pain in the back. Here are some ways to avoid been nagging back pain from yard work. Switch Jobs Frequently So, you have lots of raking […]
More Snow? Oh No, My Aching Back!
January 15th, 2021 by Lauren
Well, we had quite a snowstorm here in Upstate New York recently. Mother nature dropped about 3 feet of snow on us in a short period of time. That left many of us trying to snowblow or dig ourselves out. Or, for some, it was a great reason to hit the slopes! There are many […]
Mental Health and Conditions of the Spine
December 30th, 2020 by Lauren
When we think of spine conditions (ruptured discs, sciatica, pinched nerve in the neck, etc) we often think of the physical pain and discomfort. However, there is also a mental component to these conditions which is sometimes overlooked. Spine Conditions There are many problems that can arise in and around the spine. Degenerative conditions, physical […]
Trampolines Pose a Risk for Spinal Injury
October 23rd, 2020 by Lauren
Did you know that the use of trampolines poses a risk for spinal injury? Most people are aware that trampolines can be dangerous, that’s why owning one can cause your insurance premium to rise. But when we think of trampoline injuries we tend to think of broken bones like wrists and ankles. But trampolines also […]
Advice from the National Spine Health Foundation
September 21st, 2020 by Lauren
The National Spine Health Foundation recently released advice for those of us who are working or learning from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Their guide, named Save Our Spines, or SOS, outlines a few simple tips to help keep a healthy spine in these new times. In this guide SOS not only stands for “Save […]