Archive for the ‘Exercise’ Category
Is Running Good for Your Back?
June 15th, 2017 by Lauren
While most people with back pain realize that exercise can help, they may question is running good for your back? A common theory is that the strain on your spine during running can cause back pain. However, a recent article by the New York Times reviews a study that found running may be good for […]
Understanding Golf Back Pain
May 28th, 2017 by Lauren
Are you suffering from golf back pain? You’re not alone. According to a study by McHardy, Pollard and Luo: “The low back is the most common injury sustained whilst playing golf, and the dynamic action of the golf swing is a major contributing factor to injury.”1 Causes for Golf Back Pain There are several reasons […]
The McKenzie Method for Back and Neck Pain
May 20th, 2017 by Lauren
The McKenzie Method (MDT) is a method for assessing, classifying and treating patients with pain in their back, neck, arms and legs. It is a non-surgical treatment that involves physical therapy and exercises. What is the McKenzie Method? The McKenzie Method (also know as MDT for Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy) is a system for assessing, […]
Sex and Back Pain
December 12th, 2016 by Lauren
Do you worry as you age that you will not be able to continue with sexual activity due to back pain or that it will make your pain even worse? Back pain effects 8 out of 10 people at some point in their lives, and is the leading cause of disability globally. Several studies have […]
The Core of the Matter
July 20th, 2016 by itmc
It’s everywhere. Health professionals and fitness gurus everywhere—and the team at Saratoga Spine—are all espousing the benefits of “strengthening your core.” The term seemed to come out of nowhere and has become the buzzword in the world of fitness. The use of the word is not particularly new; it was first coined in the early […]
Back Ache – Walk It Off!
May 1st, 2016 by itmc
Spring is the time to open up your windows, stow away that claustrophobic, indoor exercise routine and breathe in the freshness of the season. Now that sidewalks are dry and the chill is fading, keeping back aches at bay can be as easy as stepping outside and starting a walking routine. Walking is easy (we’ve […]