Archive for the ‘Exercise’ Category
3 Neck Stretches for Neck Pain and Forward Head Posture
December 30th, 2019 by Lauren
If you have chronic neck pain or find yourself looking down at your phone too much these 3 stretches for neck pain may be helpful. Posture, Posture, Posture Before we talk about neck stretches we need to talk about posture. Remembering good posture can be critical in preventing or alleviating neck pain. What do we […]
Biking and Back Pain – A Complicated Relationship
July 8th, 2019 by Lauren
This article discusses the complicated relationship between biking and back pain. Is biking a good form of exercise which can be used to treat chronic back pain or should it be avoided? Biking for Exercise Exercise Can Help Treat and Prevent Pain Exercise is a common non-surgical treatment method for people with chronic back pain. […]
Is Swimming Good For Back Pain?
April 3rd, 2019 by Lauren
Not only is swimming a great way to keep you cool in the summer but it can be a good form of exercise as well! Swimming can help your heart, improve muscle strength, and increase flexibility. So is swimming good for back pain? Swimming as a Form of Exercise Water provides more resistance than air, […]
Osteoporosis and Yoga Positions to Avoid
March 25th, 2019 by Lauren
Yoga has become a popular way for people to stay healthy. The combination of stretching, exercise, and improved core strength can prove to be beneficial to the body and the mind. However, a recent study reviewed individuals with osteoporosis and yoga positions they should avoid to prevent injury. Benefits of Yoga Many people enjoy yoga […]
What are the Best Back Exercises at Home?
March 9th, 2018 by Lauren
If you have back pain you’ve, no doubt, had others recommend you strengthen your core. Exercises can be a great way to strengthen both your core and your back muscles. So, what are the best exercises for back pain? As it turns out, you can do many back exercises at home to help strengthen your […]
Pilates for Back Pain: Is it Safe? Is it Effective?
February 16th, 2018 by Lauren
Pilates has become very popular in the United States. Can it be helpful for you? What about your back? In this article we’ll talk about pilates and the potential benefits of pilates for back pain. What is Pilates? Pilates is a type of physical fitness in which the individual performs controlled movements to strengthen their […]
Alexander Technique and the Spine
July 24th, 2017 by Lauren
What is the Alexander Technique? The Alexander Technique is described in many ways. The Alexander Technique is… “an educational method…teaching how to change faulty postural habits, it enables improved mobility, posture, performance and alertness and relief of chronic stiffness, tension and stress.”2 “a method of releasing unwanted muscular tension throughout your body which has accumulated […]
Understanding Physical Therapy for Back Pain Relief
July 14th, 2017 by Lauren
One of the first questions most back pain sufferers ask is what is the best treatment for my back pain? A common assumption is that surgery will be required. However, here at Saratoga Spine, less than 85% of our patients require surgery. Instead, the majority of our patients respond to non-surgical treatment options. In a […]